Have a look at what our clients, students and staff have to say about their experiences here at ProhealthUK
I went in with the view that I would just be listened too and not given any specific advice. I was
surprised that once I got talking, I opened up to memories from the past, different worries that
just came to mind without realising. Jas was amazing, she listened, she provided techniques,
guidance and suggestions that have really helped.
Bеску, I wanted to write this message to you, in order to express my gratitude for the profoundly positive impact you have had on my life. When we first started our sessions ouer 9 months ago, I was in a desperate situation with regards to my mental health. It is incredibly difficult, in fact, to articulate how truly catastrophic I felt my existence was. I felt unable to engage with life, I saw no future for myself, and my existence in a way felt futile, but as the sessions and weeks went by, and the weeks turned to months I slowly began to feel able to engage with life more, I began to feel hopeful. I began to understand more about myself, and the ways in which I must go forward in this life to ensure it is peaceful and happy although I know I am not "cured" and nor may I ever be. But that is okay, because you have given me the tools to allow me to have a better life. Thank you for giving me my life back.
Prohealth is a fantastic company to work for. The agency has a variety of staff working for them, who each have unique skills and passion for what they do. The management team encourages everyone within the company to achieve everything they desire and my mentor and supervisor have helped me grow professionally and personally. The in-house training courses provided means I have now attained all my nationally awarded diplomas in both counselling and CBT, along with amazing CPD – my favourite one was the EMDR. I thoroughly enjoy working for Prohealth as a therapist, seeing the clients lives being positively impacted on, and I can honestly say not only do i feel like part of a team but also part of a family. Our leaders are extremely friendly and easily approachable, and their talents, drive and passion to help others is incredible.
Jas has been fantastic from first time I spoke to her on phone and throughout has made me feel
comfortable. The approach used by Jas in my counselling has helped me to really explore, identify
the reason behind the feelings I was experiencing. I feel like this has been fully explored and
resolved in a way it hasn’t when I have had counselling previously, it felt like it was only explored
surface level in previous counselling so was left unresolved but with Jas I have been fully able to
explore and learnt lots of insights through her approach and I am really grateful for this. I feel
comfortable with I have approaches and techniques in place to support me for future. Thank you.