The Full Story
Our History
Read below to learn about how ProhealthUK has grown since its founding.

Early days
The ProHealth brand was originally founded in 2001 as a medical publishing company. ProHealth Publishing was primarily concerned with the production of multimedia information products. These multi-lingual multi-format products ranged from patient and health promotion information to educational literature for healthcare professionals in training.
Branching out
In 2003 the company branched out into the design, manufacture and production of first aid products in conjunction with The British Red Cross. In 2007 after extensive retraining of its directors, GB ProHealth Ltd was launched in order to provide an online retail outlet for e-books on self help topics and training literature for counselors and psychotherapists.

In Practice
In 2008, ProHealth Counselling Service began offering a voluntary face to face and online counselling service to local General Practices.
In 2009 ProHealth won a contract with the Sure Start centre in Darlaston to provide brief therapy as part of a self esteem programme.
In 2010 the service extended to private self-referrals utilising two newly opened consultancy suites and work in local schools
Back To Roots
In 2009 the company's first Counselling Skills Certificate course was launched and delivered at Sure Start, followed by the introduction of the full range of therapeutic and supervisor practitioner levels of training. In 2010 CPD courses were introduced and ProHealth's Moodle - Virtual Learning Environment launched. This allowed the provision of online training and publication of new literature written by the team.